Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Claw Money Vandals!!!

Ladies Shmladies, it's safe to say that we rode the hype of the previously released Claw Money Blazers HARD on the blog! Once the release popped off though, some copped (in all three colorways, we might add) and others declined (hehheh, that hefty $200 price tag was a bit much for us)..... but check these out right herrre...

Thoughts? A Go.....Not A Go???


Anonymous said...

Im feeling the gold coloured ones!!! Do u know when they being released? x

Josey Rebelle said...

hmmmm...i'd have to try them on...vandals make my feet look like boats and i'm only a size five. would probably go for the blue.

having said that, though, i was one of the aforementioned ladies that got carried away and bought all three colourways of the blazers. but i'l admit right here right now that i still haven't even taken the red ones out of the box! classic case of eyes being bigger than my, er...feet. or something.

bisola said...

oh my god, these are beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

not really into these...

Vi said...

hotttt love the gold ones!