Tuesday, June 24, 2008


At the moment I am

looking like a Riot Grrrl
reading Baldassare Castiglione's Book Of The Courtier
absolutely LOVIN my new flat!!
listening to The Goodfellas Movie soundtrack
drinking coffee from a cafetiere because no Starbucks local
watching Incredible Hulk!!!
smelling of Comme Des Garcons 2
eating tuna and avocado
dreaming of a particular special boy who won't return my advances...!??!
wearing floral dresses
walking in Jordans and Doc Martens
singing fun gay happy songs
trying to find a cleaner for my house
wanting to keep my lose my dirty Florence tan


DanFodio said...

sound like you are in wonderland!
new logo is pretty slick too.

*do the urkel dance*

DIANNE said...

hey ma! post the "dick sucka" picture!!