If you can get to Leeds this weekend then you need to quickstep your ass (or arse?) down to this event. For FIVE POUNDS you get entry to a pre-party on Saturday which features top-rock battles and live beatboxing (I don't know why I added that word 'live' obviously it's gonna be fucking live) and also entry to the main event on the Sunday which features b-boy and b-girl battles and a really sick sick DJ line up. All that for a fiver!
I can't go because, while I am in posession of said amount, I can't afford the train fare (it's cheaper to go to Majorca than it is to go to Leeds), I can't afford to spend eight hours travelling by coach (it's quicker to go to St.Lucia than it is to travel to and from Leeds) and I can't afford to call an ex-boyfriend to drop me up there (it's easier to get off crack than it is to mend a broken heart in Leeds). But you should go by all means. Don't let me stop you.
Click the image for more info...
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