I've been going to the UK B-Boy Championships at Brixton Academy for the last four or five years now. It's one of those things that I feel I can't miss, I just want to be a part of the whole experience. Apart from the b-boying (and b-girling if you're lucky), there's also Crazy Legs on the mic, Afrika Islam telling us the judges are on crack and throwing us free shit, the wicked funk, soul, hip-hop, boogie and breakbeat classics, the Fresh Awards for the person in the audience rocking the freshest garms...I could go on. I love it.
When the 2005 DVD came out, I swear down, I must have watched that shit every night for 6 months. I knew every routine off by heart. It was deep.
Last year, me and my sister needed to guarantee ourselves a spot at the front by the stage so we got to the venue at noon. Bear in mind that the doors didn't open until 6. And we weren't even the first. And we still had to fight nuff mans who tried to steal our spot. The next day, we arrived at 11. Yes, eleven am. All in all that weekend, we queued for THIRTEEN motherfucking hours. Now that's dedication.
The highlight of last year for us was the Go-Go Brothers, who won the locking contest. Those cats were fucking amazing. Like the love children of James Brown or some shit. I don't think I breathed out throughout their entire performance. Look...
This year, however, we've pussied out and bought tickets for the seated section upstairs instead. I'm no spring chicken anymore, I can't be doing with all that mosh-pit shit. I'm gonna get us some binoculars and we're gonna sit up there getting drunk, heckling and eating Pringles. It's gonna be big fun.
There's still tickets left if you wanna join us...check the official UK B-Boy Champs website for more info.
I read a MySpace bulletin today from the Cold Crush Brothers that asked the slightly sad question 'Where's the real hip-hop at?'. I had to message back to let them know where they could find it: London, baby.
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