Usually when I'm bored laying in bed, my favorite thing to do is shopping. Yes, shopping. Lately I've just been so busy that I don't have time or I'm too lazy to go out and look through racks upon racks of clothes. My solution is... EBAY! What can't you find on Ebay? 95% of the time, whatever it is... they've got it.
As I'm browsing... I've decided to post some of my favorite items at the moment.
1. Motorcycle jacket

They're the same style as the April 77 DISASTER jacket which is a replica of the rock n' roll motorcycle jacket with an influence of the 50's and 60's fascination for futurism. Their jacket is made of the fabric called KENNEDY which is basically lacquered cotton that imitates leather at night. I know the picture is in black and white but the one worn in the picture is metallic silver and it also comes in red. Runs for about 240 EUR so that's about 340 USD. I think I might just go with my Ebay one...
2. Over-the-knee boots

I love these boots and they've been my bestfriend for many cold seasons . Sometimes even in the spring because they look ten times hotter in shorts. You can pull them up or slouch them down, fold them however you want. For me... the higher the better. The only thing that I keep low are the heels. I like them nice and flat. NO HOOKER HEELS IN THESE PLEASE. You don't want to look like a stripper. But if you could pull it off then go get it girl because maybe I'm just not a big fan of heels. I'm 5'7" and heels makes me look like a troll compare to the short ass dudes standing next to me.
You can find these boots at the flea market, if you're lazy like me then Ebay, thrift stores, swapmeets. If you want to spend a little more cash then Versace makes some for about 1,200 USD.
3. More boots: Minnetonka Moccasin

Quite a few people might think I'm on the weirdo side or a little crazy for liking these but just wait until you put them on. They feel like house slippers but a lot warmer and you can wear them through the rain and snow. Originally made by American-Indians for hunting but they've gained popularity over the past years. They're actually Kate Moss' favorite boots. She's got a whole closet full of them! I don't know any stores that carries them but you can find them online. Most of the websites are currently sold out too probably because Fall is rolling in but they're restocking them in early November.
I've seen a couple of UK sites that sells them ( but they're going for about 82 EUR which is about 120 USD when you can get it at US websites for about 60 USD. That's half the price. They ship internationally.
4. Rolling Stones magazine edition 88: Jim Morrisson

I found this Rolling Stone magazine up for auction #088 year 1971 which published right after the death of a legend: Jim Morrisson of The Doors. The man is a poet and absolute genius. Too bad his life was short-lived. He quoted himself as a shooting star that appears so quickly and brightly that when people sees it... it fascinates them. And then a second later its gone, leaving an impression on people and history of music forever. This belongs in my collection.
By the way... here's a little piece of history: Rolling Stones was found in the late 1967, (the year that gave birth to rock n' roll) when Jann Warner stole a list of record label contacts from a local radio station . The magazine started as a newspaper for music based out of San Francisco (Headquarter of the Flower Power movement and the Hippie counterculture) and eventually evolved into the most influencial magazine for the music industry.
The last item I'm PLANNING on purchasing and anticipating for is...
5. Vans Syndicate WTAPS

I missed out on the last pack that came out which is the navy ones and sort of regretting it but then I came across these green (teal?!) ones and I will make sure to get myself the Chukkas. Nomore missing out on these babies this time.
Oh and what about these Mister Cartoon Sk8 Hi samples? Coming out anytime soon?

I think I've hit everyone with a big blow of a very random selected items of mine. Let me know what you guys think. Now I'm going back to hybernating. Stay warm ladies.
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