My Pops is a 'retired' Sound man, but lets just say he stills DJs as a hobby for friends from time to time. He told me he was gonna help out for some birthday party coming up, and asked if I too would I like to throw down some tunes - umm, yeah! I'd first learnt how to mix on turntables since I was like 16 or 17, and I've pretty much been collecting vinyl like crazy ever since. This would be my first 'proper set' for anyone outside of my own fam or friends.
Then I came to find out that the party was for some 18 year old chick from my ends (area/manor/hood)...I began to feel a bit sceptical. The majority of the 18 year olds I see these days are waste - no real taste or knowledge of real tunes, plus dumb fucking attitudes. Also, I didn't like the fact that there was no request for Hip Hop...what so ever! Not a good look at all, but 'whatever!', it's her big day and I really wanted her and her homies to enjoy themselves so I brought a big selection of R'n'B, Bashment, Soca, Funky House, Garage etc. - I even went out of my way to make sure I had all the lastest bate swagness.
Anyways, long behold, so said so fucking done...
I brought my sis, her friend and one of my best friends for company. My Mum also dropped by later on. I was mixing some tunes to warm up, and thank God my friend was there to keep me company, coz fuck knows the b'day girl didn't think she needed to introduce herself for a good few hours! Once she did, I wished she hadn't bothered, as she had the worst attitude. No respect/appreciation/manners or even common-fucking-sense, and that includes her friends too for that matter (I don't care if that sounds harsh - true stories)! Once my set started I didn't like being hassled every other bloody minute and being spoken to like some kinda pussy'ole, being "Oi'd" and all sorts! I was ready to switch.
For the most part, the selection went down really well, but generally it just felt like they didn't know about the real bangers - I mean bate tunes that would make anyone that came to have a good time start whilin' out. At one point I was very close to packing up, but I can be kinda bad tempered and over the top sometimes guess. It's all about being profesh.

My sis jumped on for a bit and saved the give me time to chill and calm down for a bit, and she did a wicked job! Thank fuck for family, ay!?
Aside from all the negativity though, I must stress that the whole DJing experience is one of the best feelings in the world! I had such a good time mixing for an audience, and I'll definetly have to do it again at some point...just for a 21+ crowd (no offence to the younger crew out there reppin' - I know there are loads of you out there ;-)
In the end we got shut down by the council because of the noise levels, and the whole thing had to finish at like 1:30 - that's not sexy!
...Let's just say it was an interesting experience to say the least!
hey...well done on ploughing through - you know what they say, you can't please all the people all of the time! but your dance got shut down by the council inna soundclash style - that's big!!!
well done missy!!! i know what u mean about that wack crowd. me and alex used to joke that we should make him a t-shirt to wear when he DJs saying "I AIN'T GOT NO FUCKING RnB" cuz of the amount of chiefs who would go "you got any rnb or hip hop mate", he'd be like, this IS fucking hip hop you dickhead...a WAH nite is definitely in the wings...
Maybe you should stick to painting your nails in funny colours...
About 'waste gash' do you even know us like that?
I had a feeling you'd run backto your blog and complain.
Your going on like you came out of your mothers womb with superior musical taste, have some respect. Know where you came from...
@ WAH Ladies:
Thanks ladies! Like I said, it was very interesting non the less. Shar, your comments had me crackin up - so true! A WAH night sounds like a big look ;-)
@ So called 'anon':
You can stay there e-kissing your teeth all day - as far as i'm concerned i DID come out of the womb with superior musical knowledge to the likes of you! I'm arrogant and i don't give a fuck! Me coming on here and lying, saying that experience was the best ever is pointless, and defeats the whole purpose of the blog. You seem to think you know who i am, so why don't you just approach me straight, instead of being an e-pussy
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