I just wanted to take some time out to give props to one of my favourite females ever...Simone de Beauvoir (1908 - 1986). She was a French writer and philosopher who is best known for her defintive book The Second Sex, which details the treatment of women throughout history. I haven't read the Second Sex fully yet, just read chapters, but I am currently reading her first novel She Came To Stay, which is amazingly poetic and thrilling and so French! (It's based on her real-life relationship with Jean-Paul Satre and their menage-a-trois with one of her students) De Beauvoir studied Philosophy at the famous Sorbonne in Paris and came second in the class only to Jean-Paul Satre (which I suppose could have kickstarted The Second Sex). Here she is rocking a Prada turban...

She Came To Stay is brilliant, I'm hooked, but I think all of the WAH ladies ought to go find a copy of The Second Sex. It heralds the second wave of feminism in Europe amd I think it's just great to find out patterns about how women and depicted throughout the ages. Go get it...
1 comment:
i'm gonna check this out - going reading crazy this summer. she sounds really cool
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