The party is here!!! Come down it's gonna be sick. get there early though, limited spaces and it may be one in one out if you roll up late. Plus there's a wicked goodie bag!
Now I'm gonna have a little rant - because i can.
This party has been so controversial. No SERIOUSLY it has. To be honest at one point we didn't think it was gonna happen, but it is cos i can't let no one fuck up my shit. Amid all the flaky venues, promoters and sponsors I realised something I've always know, if you want something doing DO IT YOURSELF! Too many cooks spoil the broth 4 real.
Besides that what's all this "If you come to my party I'll come to yours" Bull. Come if you're free, If you aren't then don't bother, most importantly come cos you want to, not cos you feel you have to. If I didn't make your party it was cos I way busy.
Finally to the chick that said "why would you call yourself girls gone wrong".
Well, I've never been into that cliquey girl shit, rolling with bere females and that, mainly because it always ends in tears and bottom line is - girls are bitchy and I ain't really the type to indulge in that. I've always been down with the boys cos on a friendship level I've found then easier to get on with, and usually what you see is what you get and they're so much easier to work with - no issues. Plus I was always into boys shit, playing fottie, cars, staying out late drink beer in the flats and all that (as a kid that is)! Girls gone wrong basically pays homage to being a female (trust me I love looking and feeling like a girl) - at the same time being proud to not be a conventional vintage topshop wearing, wannabe Patty Hearst hat bussing 'chick'. Get me. We're bigger than that.
Amazing Grace x
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