This might sound like an unnecessary speech but I'm that scarred it has to be documented. And I'm apologising in advance for all the American slang. I'm not begging it. I've just been spending alot of time with Yankees lately.
On Thursday, I went to Yoyos (London one not New York) for the FIRST TIME (shock horror to all you yoyo vetrans out there) and for me it was THE WORST NIGHT OF MY LIFE. NOW OF COURSE TO EACH THEIR OWN, if yoyos is your spot then good for you, "do the damn thang" but I myself found it incredibly TEDIOUS. To make matters worse I had a feeling it was going to be like that so actually going there just reaffirmed what I had once thought. But in the circumstances I was in (I was already near my friend's house and she was paying for me) I thought I might as well experience it. I rolled up in my lac i.e. The London Underground and got in at about 10:30 to find two dumb broads at the door doing lil synchronised dances wearing nothing but a Teacloth. I wanted to run there and then but I thought to give the place a chance. Oh how wrong I was. It was filled with an army of pretentious heads all wearing the same ol' rope chain/bathing ape wearing, "80s baby" but realistically was born in the 90s and has no recollection of the 80s, glasses with the lens popped out, bright coloured, doorknocker type shit that Im seeing all too frequently nowadays, what's ironic about it is that the majority of them like to claim they're "original".
The music was CRAZY BAD (sounded like Baile funk/polka mixed with someone dying) and was sang over by some guy wearing cheap hair extensions attached to his badly shaved head. Hardly noone was dancing except for the coked-up minor celebrities (nodding their heads aggresively and sweating by the buckets) and some fat girl wearing a flourescent tutu that was WAAYYY too small. The place was over-crowded, the majority were too busy focusing on what other people were doing then having a good time. I left after 45 minutes.
The last straw was when some boy started talking to me and in realising that I'm currently working in New Era, asked me what days I'm working there so he can come see me (sorry what?!), proceeded to ask me where I go out and where I buy my clothes and then told me he has to be "exclusive and buy all his shit from Japan". Get the fuck outta here.
P.S. apologies to all the people who were trying to cheer me up that night. It really wasn't going to happen but you still carried on like a soldier.